Monthly Archives: May 2015

Obstacles are inevitable. Solutions are choices.

Challenges present themselves daily and each of must make a choice on how to handle ourselves and the obstacles.  Ask yourself do you make excuses or do you work on solutions?

An excuse is different than an explanation.  Excuses are typically offered and an explanation is often asked for.  For example if I am coaching a sales representative I am aware of most of the uphill battles a new representative faces starting out.  It takes time, patience, and a positive attitude to build knowledge, a strong pitch, and a solid prospect list.  Instead of the representative telling me what is standing in their way I want to hear how they are being creative to overcome challenges.  Perhaps the representative has decided to focus on key sector and they plan to exceed their activity goals by 20%.  Now if the representative is unable to preform a task because they do not have the tools they need then I would welcome and ask for an explanation.  This could be that they do not have a CRM Database or their phone line does not get a clear service.  Recognize your challenges and choose to find a solution.

Sales leaders and business owner can create an environment that embraces creative thinkers.  Allow your team to come up with solutions, and hold them accountable for activity.  Give your team the goals to reach and allow them the ability to solve the dilemma.  Setting obtainable goals will encourage employees to avoid excuses and create solutions.  You also may be surprised when their unique approach leads to great success for everyone.