Monthly Archives: January 2014

Victim of Email

youve got mail

A few years ago, I was meeting with a client.   This was not my first time meeting the client and we had a developed a strong business relationship.  We had met several times before including meetings before I earned his business, and then on a fairly regular basis when he became my client.  Each time I met with him, I always amazed by his calm demeanor and the attention he gave to our meeting.  I was impressed because most of my other clients in similar roles to his were always somewhat preoccupied, rushed for time, and were almost always looking at their phones.  It is not that they did not see our meeting as important, they were just busy and they had lots of fires going on around them.

So during this one particular meeting with my client, we started talking about productivity and his secret to getting things done and not being reactionary to things that were happening throughout the day.  His secret…he only checked his email twice a day.  He checked his email in the morning and again at the end of the day.  He turned off the notifications and alerts and went about his day looking at his list of things to do.  At first, my question was “what if you miss an important question or request”.  He quickly told me that if someone really needed information he could be reached on his phone.  Most of the time emails that come through are quick questions that will only take a minute to answer, and many times the question could wait for an answer. When you stop to answer those quick questions you pull yourself away from the tasks you are currently involved in, and then you begin the quick cycle of losing attention and time.

Here is what I learned to help stop being a victim of email.

Check Email Twice a Day.  Start your day going through email.  Answer questions, file responses, and for things that need more attention add those to your list.  At the end of the day check for new emails and do the same as the morning.  You will be able to answer and file quickly as opposed to starting and stopping other tasks.

Teach people how to communicate with you!  When you are meeting with prospects, clients, and partners explain to them that you do not check your email on an hourly basis.  Explain to them that you do respond to email at the end of the day, and if they need immediate attention to call or text you.  Set an automated response, thank the sender for the email and advise them that you check email at the end of the day. You are informing senders that email is a great way to get you information, however if they need immediate attention they need to call you directly.  Most things can wait.

Use Email to Recap Information.  This does not mean that the end of each phone call or meeting you immediately send an email.  Take notes during the call or meeting and send a follow up email during your scheduled email time.  Take time to focus on what needs to get done and make use of email recaps during your email time.  You will be surprised how much gets done when you use email only at the designated times.

Things Get Resolved On Their Own. Have you ever been a part of email chain that creates 10 to 20 other emails?  Imagine coming on the back end of the email.   You miss the 20 emails that are exchanged and can skim through the emails to see what else if anything needs to be done.  Most of the time you are copied on the email to keep you in the loop or minimal input.  You will be amazed at how many things are taken care of and you didn’t spend an hour reading all the responses as they swarmed your inbox.

Email is a a great way to communicate.  It helps to put information and thoughts in writing.  You are able to go back and find conversations that took place in the past.  Email is a great forum to give updates and to transfer information within a group and share documents.   My problem with email is that it has the potential to completely take over my day if I allow it to.  You will be amazed when you stop a simple distraction such as email and make it a task of it’s own.


Be Inspired by Great Leaders


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~  Martin Luther King Jr.

Today is a great day to celebrate a man that worked so hard for what he believed in.  He was persistent, hardworking, aggressive, passionate, and strong!  If I can strive for only a quarter of the passion and dedication that MLK possessed I know that my life both personally and professionally will be worthwhile.

Thank you, Martin Luther King Jr., for reminding me today and on every other day that it’s important to fight for what you believe in, and never to give up. People may not like it  and they may even try to stop you.   Usually doing the right thing is the hardest.   Doing whats best for the greater good and sacrificing your own freedom and comfort is BIG!

The world has leaders and followers.  If you choose lead make sure you have a good reason to fight.  You are asking people to take a chance and follow you….so make it worthwhile and stay the course.  If you choose to follow make sure you know why you are following, leaders need friends and supporters.  Don’t turn your back on your leaders when the going gets tough.  Take a stance and do what’s right. Today I celebrate a man that gives me hope and inspires me to do things in my life that are not just good enough….they are great and done for the right reason!

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Why a Sales Person Should Love Friday


Fridays have always been my favorite day of the week as a salesperson.  This is not for the reason you may think.  I actually love it for 3 simple reasons.

1)  PEOPLE ARE NICER! As a salesperson you have to make cold calls.  Whether you like it or not if you are truly a good sales person and want to find NEW business you are going to have to call on someone you don’t know.  So you may be the nicest person in the world with the best product in the world chances are you still going to have a cold call that the other person blows you off.  Guess what on Friday especially Friday afternoon I have met my best prospects.  The gate keeper that hated their job on Monday is so excited that they won’t be coming back for two days.  They wouldn’t give you the time of day on Tuesday but come Friday they want to be nice because “hey it’s Friday”.

It’s amazing how much more open people are when they are looking forward to something.  It sounds simple but people on Friday tend to be more laid back.  For many companies they implement a casual day on Friday.  The office feels less stiff and people feed off of that.  Use your Friday’s to get on the phone or get in your car and make those sales calls.

2) PROSPECTS APPRECIATE YOUR DEDICATION!  People are ready to start their weekend and many see co-workers or employees around them already starting to take an early weekend.  When you show up or call on Friday the person you reach appreciates that you are working too.  As much as they might not want to be there they see you are in it with them.  It’s nice to know that if someone works hard to earn your business they will typically works just as hard to keep your business.

There is nothing worse than buying something from a smooth talker and when you need them they aren’t there.  Sales people that show up on Friday will also answer their phone when you need them.

3) ALWAYS END MY WEEK ON A HIGH!  Mondays are a fresh start and you have the chance to start your week off right, but what’s even better on a Monday is when you closed the week before on a good note.  Put some positive energy in on Friday so that you can avoid that dreadful Monday feeling.  If you leave the week feeling productive chances are you will bring that with you on Monday.

So drop the stereotypes about sales people hitting the golf course on Friday, and make Friday your best day for cold calling and finding opportunities.  You will thank yourself!

The Power of Networking


Some feel that networking is a waste of time….and really I have one comment for those people.  You are doing it wrong!

Networking is not a time to get free drinks and food.  Networking is not a time be the cool kid in school.  Networking is not just showing up.  Networking is not just joining a group.

The first step is to make the effort to go.  Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone.  You are networking to meet people!  Don’t give yourself 10 excuses as to why you shouldn’t go. It’s always easier to tell yourself why you shouldn’t go, but guess what the people that decided an extra hour after work was worth it just increased their network.  What did you do?

If you decide to go to a Networking event…..and you should decide to GO! Go prepared.  Take business cards.  Be ready to give that 30 second elevator speech on who you are and what you do.  Don’t be scared to meet new people…chances are the people you meet are going to be relieved to have someone to speak with.

Be open to talk to everyone!  Find out what others do in your industry and outside of your industry.  When you least expect it the person that you would have never imagined to have a need for your services turns out to be the greatest contact you made all year.  If people are at a networking event and they are treating it like a high school dance then chances are they probably won’t be someone that adds much value to your business.  The same is true for you.  Do not discount people or undervalue them as a contact.  Find out what they do and listen to how they do it.  Chances are you will learn something.

Networking is not a Frat Party.  Well that seems like a basic concept, and you would think most people get this.  Give yourself one too many drinks and then you might forget the purpose of networking.  If you know that two drinks is all it takes for you to start rambling chances are you should have one drink and then stick to water.  Yes, it’s an informal event and everyone is having fun….guess what it’s still better to have control.

Networking is not limited to after work events.  Network with social media.  Read blogs and comment on blogs.  Reach out to business and personal acquaintances for breakfast, lunch and coffee.  It’s great to have one on one conversations to see what your network is working on.  Help promote each other.  Join associations and get involved on committees.  Just joining and sitting in the background is a start but really get involved.  You will be surprised how much more it helps your business.

Practice networking.  The more you network the easier it becomes.  You feel less awkward walking up strangers and introducing yourself.  You realize you have nothing to lose.  Start going to events with people you know and have them introduce you to people and do the same for them.  Eventually you won’t mind going by yourself.

Networking is a great tool when used effectively! Good luck and go meet some new people!

I almost gave up…..


I was a few months into my first outside sales job. The first month was so exciting and I was ready to take on the world and then I had this serious breakdown about 90 days into the job and I got scared.  REALLY SCARED!  I had never experienced this feeling in other jobs.  In the past, if I was given a task I completed it and moved on to the next.   I always did as my boss asked and there were not too many variables to get in my way.  This sales thing though……was like something I never experienced.  I was doing everything I could and was not getting the Sale.   WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME?!?! I had called hundreds if not  thousands of people.   The receptionists were starting to actually like seeing me stop by. I had attended networking events on a regular basis.

The worst part about my paranoia, was that my peers were bringing in new deals and they did not seem to be stressed.  At that moment, I was fortunate enough to work with someone that talked “some” sense into me and walked me off the ledge.  My coworker  explained to me what was going on.  She had been in sales for years and so had my peers.  They had built up their networks and contacts overtime, and their clients knew to call them without thinking about any other options.  I was the newest rep on the block and had just introduced myself to the world.  I needed to keep my head up and keep plugging along.  Eventually, I would see the rewards.  She explained to me that she went through the same situation when she started and told me you need to build a pipeline.  You need to find opportunities and stay on top of them.  I watched the pipeline like a hawk and stayed on every single opportunity no matter how big or small.

My coworker’s pep talk helped me a for a few weeks and then I was scared again….until one day I had a email message requesting a meeting to talk about services and pricing.   I had called on this prospect for months and finally I heard back.  I had stopped by, called, and emailed for months, and each time I reached out they were too busy to meet.  They were polite and busy at the same time.   I was getting used that from most of the prospects, so that day when I opened my email from them I nearly cried.  They actually wanted to buy something and FROM ME!  I quickly responded and we scheduled a meeting.  The day of the meeting I was so excited to go to their office.  I even brought my office manager so he could assure them we would handle their orders to the best of our ability.   We parked at a meter outside their office and I paid for an hour.  Let me tell you that was the best parking ticket I ever received because my meeting went over an hour and we sealed the deal.  From that day forward, I decided to never give up because the feeling you get when you win after you try so hard is the best feeling I have ever experienced in my professional career.

So on the days I feel defeated and I want to give up I remember that if I keep trying I will feel that win again if I stay the course! To earn a prospect’s trust and business is an amazing compliment and truly a win to celebrate!