Tag Archives: be persistent

Be Inspired by Great Leaders


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~  Martin Luther King Jr.

Today is a great day to celebrate a man that worked so hard for what he believed in.  He was persistent, hardworking, aggressive, passionate, and strong!  If I can strive for only a quarter of the passion and dedication that MLK possessed I know that my life both personally and professionally will be worthwhile.

Thank you, Martin Luther King Jr., for reminding me today and on every other day that it’s important to fight for what you believe in, and never to give up. People may not like it  and they may even try to stop you.   Usually doing the right thing is the hardest.   Doing whats best for the greater good and sacrificing your own freedom and comfort is BIG!

The world has leaders and followers.  If you choose lead make sure you have a good reason to fight.  You are asking people to take a chance and follow you….so make it worthwhile and stay the course.  If you choose to follow make sure you know why you are following, leaders need friends and supporters.  Don’t turn your back on your leaders when the going gets tough.  Take a stance and do what’s right. Today I celebrate a man that gives me hope and inspires me to do things in my life that are not just good enough….they are great and done for the right reason!

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!