Tag Archives: business holiday gifts

Get Personal During the Holidays

Everyone gets busy during the holidays even when they try to avoid it.  It’s inevitable we have decided that November and December are the time of year we will get dressed up and throw parties to celebrate our achievements and an even better New Year ahead.  There are parties you will attend and parties you will host.  We will run into old friends and make new friends.  We will over indulge and promise that in the next year we will work it off.  It just part of November and December.  So how do you really make the most of November and December?  I challenge you to get personal without overstepping your professional boundaries.

Continue your routines from the years before, send out the Christmas Cards, attend the parties, participate in gift exchanges, tell clients and employees you appreciate them.  In addition to the norm add a personal touch.  This does not mean you spend extra money it’s the opposite.  Spend less money and more time.  Avoid the gift cards unless you know it’s  place the person enjoys.  Drop off gift and packages in person if you can.  Create gifts that are personalized.  Take note of what someone likes and they dislike.  Think back to conversations you have had with clients, peers, and employees.  Show them in their gifts and cards that you were paying attention.  People like to know you are listening so show them at this time of year.  Show them you value what is important to them by taking the time to recognize those things.

In business and sales you are often in front of many different people and learning about their businesses and lives.  You can always tell the person that is making small talk and is uncomfortable in their skin.  Are you the person that really listened and engaged during meetings?  Did you take note of something outside of the meeting that was important to the person you met with?  Of course it’s hard and sometimes impossible to give personal gifts and messages to everyone on your list.  People notice when you notice so if you can try to sign your cards personally and add a special touch.