Tag Archives: talk about your friends

True Friends talk about you behind your back


Talk about your friends

Talk about your friends

Today, I found out that one of my friends has been talking about me behind my back.  My realization made it clear to me she is not a friend at all….she is much more than a friend.  She is a CHAMPION for me!  The greatest support friends and colleagues can have for one another is spreading the word.  If your friends are doing something great and you believe in them…Spread the Word!  Like them, their services, and what they are doing on your social media pages….social media is more powerful than you think.  Tell people you meet that can use their products and services.

So here is the story of my champion.  I reached out to a person that I did not know at all and told her about Koncept Carma.  This person’s company appeared in my Linkedin and I thought she would be a good connection.  I was shocked when the contact came back and told me she knew about my workshops and had heard of my business.  It was the greatest compliment a business owner could receive…..word of mouth referral!  So of course I had to know who had been “talking” about me.  I found out that a friend of mine that I have known for just over 2 years and who has supported me since the day I started Koncept Carma, had mentioned my Improv Workshop to this potential contact.  Of course my friend had firsthand knowledge of my classes and even has come to multiple sessions.  My so called friend had never told me that she was spreading the word.  I didn’t ask her to do it.  She did it because she was a champion for what I was doing and showed me she truly believed in me and was not looking for anything in return.

Be a champion for people  and businesses in your life that you believe in.  Talk about them and what they do good!  The best gossip is gossip that moves life forward and helps others.  Many times in life we remember to bring up bad experiences with businesses we have encountered.  Forget about wasting your breathe giving them any sort of PR and talk about the businesses you believe in and support.

So in an effort to be a Champion in return, take a peek at my Champion’s website.  http://www.enviroclectic.net/  Her business makes amazing eco-friendly custom clutches!  I have two custom clutches myself and love them both!

Champions do not wait for you to become successful.  They empower you along the journey!