Improv for Business Workshop

June 25th Improv

Koncept Carma is hosting our Summer Workshop “Improv For Business”

Are you looking for a fun and useful training that will help elevate your business skills?  Do you want to learn how to be prepared for the unexpected?  Join Koncept Carma for our Summer “Improv for Business” workshop.  The workshop is open to all professionals in every industry. 

Koncept Carma will teach you new communication skills and techniques from Improv to help you become more powerful in the business environment. Our focus will be on listening, accepting, and adapting.  Both in Business and Improv, observing the actions of our partners and associates are critical to achieve maximum results.  We want to help you achieve those results!

Looking for work in Central Florida?


Koncept Carma had an opportunity to work again with Central Florida Jobs Initiative yesterday.   CFJI is an amazing non-profit organization based in the Central Florida Community.  They work with professionals seeking employment.  If you are looking for employment or an employee they are a great group to help you in your search.

We conducted a 2 hour workshop for the current group and focused on networking and interviewing tactics.  Koncept Carma was excited to see how they were all open to learning new skills and participating in the Improv Exercises. This group exudes one of the key principles in Improv “Yes, And”!

Koncept Carma wishes all the participants great success in their future pursuits.

Koncept Carma Welcomes Logan Stewart

Logan Stewart

Logan Stewart

Koncept Carma is excited to welcome Logan Stewart as a Sales Intern. Logan is currently majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Finance at Stetson University in Deland, FL. He has played Lacrosse at Stetson for 3 years, 2 of which he was team captain. As a Junior, he also had to step up  as coach of the team and lead Stetson to their best season yet. Outside of school and Lacrosse, Logan is an avid lover of the ocean. He has been diving, fishing, and spearfishing most of his life. Logan ultimately is not looking for just a job, he strives for a lifestyle. He welcomes new opportunities that will allow him to achieve his goals to ultimately find a career that he will be passionate and dedicated to.

Koncept Carma looks forward to working with Logan and believes he exudes our company image. Koncept Carma believes that hard work, dedication, and positive outlook will position our team to open many doors for us and our clients.

Traveling One Show Orlando

Save The Date


The Traveling One Show is coming to Orlando in October!  Last month The One Club  hosted their annual awards in New York City.  This event is considered the  “Oscars” of Advertising, and now Orlando is going to have an opportunity to see the winning work up close and personal in October.  TOSO will be hosting an entire week dedicated to Creativity in Business.  The event and Creative Week will be a great time to see what is happening in design, advertising, and marketing in Orlando and around the World.

If you or your firm is interested in being a part of this exciting event contact Kathryn Campbell at 407.758.9862.  We still have room for sponsorship and volunteers!


True Friends talk about you behind your back


Talk about your friends

Talk about your friends

Today, I found out that one of my friends has been talking about me behind my back.  My realization made it clear to me she is not a friend at all….she is much more than a friend.  She is a CHAMPION for me!  The greatest support friends and colleagues can have for one another is spreading the word.  If your friends are doing something great and you believe in them…Spread the Word!  Like them, their services, and what they are doing on your social media pages….social media is more powerful than you think.  Tell people you meet that can use their products and services.

So here is the story of my champion.  I reached out to a person that I did not know at all and told her about Koncept Carma.  This person’s company appeared in my Linkedin and I thought she would be a good connection.  I was shocked when the contact came back and told me she knew about my workshops and had heard of my business.  It was the greatest compliment a business owner could receive…..word of mouth referral!  So of course I had to know who had been “talking” about me.  I found out that a friend of mine that I have known for just over 2 years and who has supported me since the day I started Koncept Carma, had mentioned my Improv Workshop to this potential contact.  Of course my friend had firsthand knowledge of my classes and even has come to multiple sessions.  My so called friend had never told me that she was spreading the word.  I didn’t ask her to do it.  She did it because she was a champion for what I was doing and showed me she truly believed in me and was not looking for anything in return.

Be a champion for people  and businesses in your life that you believe in.  Talk about them and what they do good!  The best gossip is gossip that moves life forward and helps others.  Many times in life we remember to bring up bad experiences with businesses we have encountered.  Forget about wasting your breathe giving them any sort of PR and talk about the businesses you believe in and support.

So in an effort to be a Champion in return, take a peek at my Champion’s website.  Her business makes amazing eco-friendly custom clutches!  I have two custom clutches myself and love them both!

Champions do not wait for you to become successful.  They empower you along the journey!

The Silver Lining in Favors


Lately, I have been really confused about the difference between favors and opportunities.  In the past year I have presented and been presented with multiple opportunities by multiple people. Some of these “opportunities” have been viewed as favors by others.  My theory is if you have to ask yourself when presented with an opportunity “what’s in it for me”, it’s one of two things. Possibly you do not trust the other person or you are blocking yourself from opening many unknown doors.

Why is it that sometimes an opportunity is perceived as a favor? Are some opportunities so far stretched that it’s hard to see the long term potential, or are we really close minded about new opportunities?  Are we conditioned to believe that all people have an ulterior motive?

So this really came to a head for me a few months back when I mentioned (what I thought ) was an enticing opportunity to an individual and they responded that they might be able to “help” me.  I was not looking for help.  I was not asking them to do something for nothing.  I was offering an opportunity to potentially open up a new door for them and their future.

So I took a step back and had to ask myself, when I was offering a  new opportunity to someone and they acted as if they would be doing me a favor, was I acting so excited and grateful that they only saw me as the beneficiary?  I am an excited person and opportunities get me pumped!  Did I need to start telling people that I had choices and wanted to give them a chance to “ask” for the opportunity?  Some of the best opportunities in my life have come from me saying “yes, and” to a favor and owning that opportunity.  Most of the opportunities did not pay well or did not pay anything, they were not glamorous, they were not fun, and they were chances to prove myself and most importantly LEARN and GROW!

I decided that I have made the mistake of presenting opportunities to people as “favors”.  In actuality I did not need a favor I was looking to run with an opportunity and potentially bring along others on the way.  I was starting  to think my opportunities were crazy or far fetched and then I reexamined the message I was giving.

First, I needed to define “favor”

“Something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.”  When I need a favor such as help moving, a ride, someone to get my mail, etc I will present this clearly as a favor.

Second, define” Opportunity”

“A good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.”  When I have an opportunity I will describe my position and watch for the reaction and questions.  Defining an opportunity does not mean it’s a guarantee.   If they want to be a part of it, then they will tell me and show me.

Third, Run from people that think the world is “asking for favors”

I know it sounds cliche, and here it goes “the world is your oyster”.  Everyone has different opportunities, obstacles, and challenges.  Be open to building on what comes your way.  Learn from every experience, the good and the bad.  If someone cannot see the opportunities in front of them it is not your job to show them.

Lastly, look for people that say “yes and” to opportunities

In Improv, there is an exercise that has changed my view on many things in life.  It’s called “Yes, And”.  The basic concept of this exercise is that you take something that is given to you and instead of rejecting the idea you build on it by saying “yes, and”.  Of course this does not mean that you eliminate no from your vocabulary it means that you open your mind to thinking before saying no or thinking things are far fetched or impossible.

I have learned and I am still learning how to present my opportunities as opportunities.  If I am asking for a favor I will clearly define it as a favor.  However, I will allow others to seize their opportunities and champion them as they find their own “silver lining”.